Journal ID : CJOHNS-02-11-2023-11412
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 09]

Title : Evaluating the Retraction of Upper Lateral Segments of the Long Faces Class II Malocclusion Patients Using Miniplates

Abstract :

The aim of the study was to evaluate skeletal, dentoalveolar, and soft tissue changes following the retraction of upper lateral segments of the long faces class II malocclusion patients using miniplates. The sample consisted of 15 patients aged (23± 2 years) whose initial diagnosis was class II division I malocclusion, and vertical growth pattern (long faces). The upper third molars were extracted. Miniplates were applied at the infrazygomatic crest using fixation screws. The cephalometric images were taken before (T1) and after (2) distalization. Skeletal, dental and soft tissue changes were studied, and the results were compared before and after distalization using T-student statistical analysis of the paired samples at a significance level of P < 0.05. The rate for the distal movement of the molars was 0.81 mm per month. Skeletal variables showed; the SNA angle have changed 0.6°, the SNB angle 0.6°and the ANB angle 1.2°. The FMA angle were significantly decreased 1.46°. There was a significant distalization of the first molar 5mm and intrusion of 1.56 mm. The central incisor was retracted 2.8 mm with lingual inclination of 2.2° and extrusion of 1.5 mm. The upper and lower lips were significantly retracted 2 and 1.6 mm, respectively. Skeletal anchorage using zygomatic miniplates was an effective and successful method for long faces class II patients treatment through the intrusion of maxillary posterior teeth.

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